Pay and Benefits - Users

Myhrtoolkit's Pay and Benefits module allows a user to see their salary record and a list of the benefits given by their organisation.

Note – The level of detail available here will depend on how your organisation has configured your myhrtoolkit software system.

The default Pay and Benefits page shows a summary, with each summary box providing a link to reveal further information. The detailed pages are also accessible via the menu on the left.

Pay and Benefits User Home page

Pay History

The Pay History page shows personal details of changes to an employee's salary, and future updates if available.

Pay and Benefits User Pay History

Each row outlines the start, value, time unit, and hours status of each salary contract.

Where there are notes or documents attached to a salary agreement, these are available to the right of each row.


The Benefits page shows benefits (current, past and future) for which a user has opted from those offered by a company to its employees.

Pay and Benefits User Benefits history

Each row outlines the duration, name, and description of each benefit. Hovering over the benefit description will show a pop-up of the full description.

The list can be filtered using the drop-down box at the top left of the page.

Where there are documents attached to benefit agreement, these are available to the right of each row. These might include personal details about usage of the benefit (these may include things such as car registration, gym account, etc.)

Bank details

The Bank Details section allows employees to take charge of supplying and updating the organisation with their bank details.

Following any changes, remember to click the Update bank details button.

Note – myhrtoolkit is not connected to any third party payroll software, nor does it have its own payroll module. Any changes in bank details must also be notified to the relevant parties within an organisation.
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