Removing a Duplicate User

There can be a few reasons why you may need to delete a user, perhaps you created a file for a new starter but they didn’t start their employment with you after all or maybe you created two by mistake. Either way, controllers and managers with Leaver’s access rights can perform this task.

If you have only recently set this duplicate user up and they haven’t logged in to this profile, nor has any holiday or absence dates been entered on to their profile, you should be able to locate them in Management > Bulk Data > People and delete from there.

Alternatively, you will need to follow the leavers process outlined below.

Quick Summary

Go to Management > Leavers > Set Leaver and follow your usual leavers process.


  • For an employee who is no longer starting employment with you, you will need to follow your usual leavers process but enter their leave date as the date after they were supposed to start employment with you.
  • For a duplicate user you can set the leaver with today as the leaving date.
  • Always take care when processing leavers that you process the correct employee.
Detailed Instructions

Go to Management > Leavers > Set Leavers

Search for the employee who is leaving (if you are unsure which is the duplicate file, you may wish to edit their name first in Management > Bulk Data > People > Manage Users to help you differentiate between the two).

From here you need to follow your usual leavers process.

Confirm if this is the correct person you wish to set as a leaver.

Complete the relevant data, example below and then press Set Leaver.

If you require further assistance , please follow this link: Managing leavers in myhrtoolkit | Leavers module guide | myhrtoolkit

  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.