Add the myhrtoolkit calendar to Outlook or Google

  • This article follows on from an overview of calendar integration, which can be found here.
  • You will need to wait around 15-20 minutes before the generated link becomes active. If you try to use the link before this, you will be taken to an error page.

When integrating the calendar, we recommend selecting “Open as New” rather than “Import”. 


“Open as New” allows the calendar to sit side by side next to your usual (outlook) calendar & appears under "Other Calendars" in the calendar pane. It mirrors all the holidays that you can see in myhrtoolkit calendar. 

Selecting “Import” will import everyone's holiday directly in to your (outlook) calendar and not separate them into a new calendar viewing pane. The only way to remove the imported holiday dates is to manually delete them & then delete the calendar from your list of available calendars. 

Using the calendar-related email sent to you by myhrtoolkit, highlight the link sent (do not include any spaces) and copy. This link can then be pasted into your preferred calendar application. Below are links to instructions on setting up your calendar in recent versions of Outlook, Google Calendar and Apple Calendar:

Outlook 365 - Follow the steps under "Add internet calendar" described in

Google Calendar - Follow the steps under "Use a link to add a public calendar" described in

Apple Calendar -


  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.