Partner Case Study:

Keeping HR Simple improves client management with myhrtoolkit's Partner Programme.

Keeping HR simple is a consultancy that provides a broad range of HR services to clients operating nationally in various industries. We caught up with the Founder & Managing Director of Keeping HR Simple, Katherine Duff, who offers myhrtoolkit to the consultancy’s large client base. Katherine has been the Managing Director of Keeping HR Simple since she started the company with her husband in 2009.

How did partnering with myhrtoolkit come about?

"We first started partnering with myhrtoolkit in 2017. 5 years ago, we were at a point in the business where we were looking for a piece of technology that could support our varied client base of businesses in different industries. Myhrtoolkit’s product aligned well with the services our consultancy provides and had all the core HR features our client base would need. We understood that our clients would benefit from an online centralised piece of software that they could use to streamline day-to-day HR tasks and our consultancy could use to easily access their HR data."

How has partnering with myhrtoolkit benefited your business?

"Partnering with myhrtoolkit allows us to take a proactive approach to client management. For clients we work with on a retained basis, myhrtoolkit allows us to support them more regularly. I can easily access the client’s myhrtoolkit account, view their HR data, keep up-to-date with developments in their business and flag up any concerns to the client. Prior to this, we would be reliant on the client getting into contact with me and providing specific data upon request. Myhrtoolkit has definitely cut down on the time I’ve spent on back-and-forth emails to clients as all the information is there is one place and easily accessed by us and our client.

Being a partner at myhrtoolkit enables me to extend my product offering. For example, our HR consultancy doesn’t offer specific health and safety or payroll services. But, because we can offer an additional service like myhrtoolkit, it helps us to offer additional value to our clients.

We can also gain clarity on our client data and have reassurance that everything is up to date. Without using a HR Software system to manage clients, we would have varying versions of the same documents – this led to confusion and miscommunication when working with clients. All of our clients’ documents are up to date and we can access all relevant documents in just a few clicks."

How have your client's benefited from the software?

"I think all our clients have benefited from using the software. There are many benefits for clients, such as: ensuring business compliance, ease of use, it’s centralised, and it saves my client’s time in manually monitoring HR data like holiday requests. It’s a great tool for any small business.

A huge benefit for one of my clients is the communications feature. The communications tool allows my client to contact employees at multiple sites and inform them about what’s happening across the business. We can also access what messages have been sent to ensure that we’re in the loop.

For some clients that haven’t opted in for toolkit, they would ask me to manually do tasks like reporting on absence or remaining holiday entitlement. Whereas with toolkit, I press a couple of buttons and the report is produced and can be exported into Excel. It’s a very useful feature.

Overall, it’s a great system. We think it’s a great tool for us to collaborate on with clients. Plus, our clients like to use it too."

Would you recommend myhrtoolkit's Partner Programme to other HR consultants?

"Yes, I would. Beyond the functional use it brings to our clients, we have also found that the software is easy to demonstrate to new clients and it’s an easy add on to our existing services.

As a Partner, myhrtoolkit provides a clear commission scheme, so you know what you’re going to get for every client that uses it. The business is also very transparent about this. Plus, there are no costs to sign up for the Partner Programme.

In addition, the myhrtoolkit team are so accessible and provide great technical knowledge. If there is ever an issue, I’m completely confident that I’ll get a helpful answer and have faith that an issue it would be resolved quickly. They’re a nice bunch of people. It makes a big difference to have a personable approach to the Partnership."

Partnering with myhrtoolkit allows us to take a proactive approach to client management.
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Katherine Duff
Managing Director, Keeping HR Simple

Top benefits for Keeping HR Simple:

Myhrtoolkit's in-house support has been highly valuable and personable
Myhrtoolkit's HR software provides clarity on client HR data
HR software is a value-added offering to their services
Partnering with myhrtoolkit allows the team at Keeping HR Simple to take a proactive approach to client management
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