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Myhrtoolkit: HR software enhancements | online HR system for SMEs

Written by Fiona Sanderson | Mar 14, 2013 10:08:57 AM

Here are some of myhrtoolkit's latest HR software enhancements for 2013. We've made more additions and added a variety of shortcuts to the system, making it work harder so you don't have to!

HR software enhancements

1. Communications

We’ve added the name of person sending a Comms > Message to the email to provide more information. We’ve also added an option within 'Messager' to include the message within the notification email sent to match the ‘doc messager’ function.

2. Document library

We’ve now added the option to not notify employees when certain documents are uploaded: Induction, Company Handbook, Other Rules & Procedures, and Contract of Employment. This is useful when uploading historical information to user’s document libraries.

3. New starters

Job Title is now included in the new starter notification email to provide more information. See Setup and admin > Notifications

4. Message board

The message board has been modified to not show any links to holiday requests if another holiday manager has already processed the request; this saves you time and keeps the message board neat and tidy.

5. Myhome message board

This now displays which holiday manager accepted or declined a holiday request – useful information for the user.

6. Setup & admin

We have now numbered row in the Setup and Admin page for easier reference and more effective support.

7. Withdraw holidays

We have modified the managers notification when requests to withdraw holidays are made, so that a message is now shown on the Message Board for 1 stage approval users.

8. Work profiles

There is now a new option to set whether lunch, morning and afternoon breaks are deducted from standard hours worked. This allows more organisation specific customisation.

Making it work for you

Is your organisation getting the most out of myhrtoolkit? Contact us at if you’d like any features explained.