HR task management software

Simple task scheduling for yourself, your managers and your employees, with notifications and message-boards to keep everyone up to date.

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HR task management software

Keep on top of HR tasks

Our task management software is the perfect solution for managing all of the HR tasks entered into your system. You can delegate tasks to individuals, managers or teams, set and manage reminders and notifications and everyone can access their own message boards and to-do lists.

Our software can be adapted to suit your requirements, so you can specify who receives what notifications and it can be used to provide reports on the progress of all ongoing tasks.


The main interface is really user friendly, giving a nice summary of everything you need to know. I appreciate the reminders you get when you log in as a manager - which act as gentle reminders of upcoming tasks, not chastisements!

Catherine McKinney

Head of Finance and Administration, Soho Theatre

HR task management

  • Delegate tasks and set reminders

    Controllers and managers can delegate individual tasks to employees, setting reminders in advance to notify the required people of deadlines and action points.

  • Include all the relevant information

    Along with the task, the manager can send notes, documents and reminders to ensure the employee has everything they need to complete the task effectively and keep everyone up to date.

  • Send progress notifications

    The employee can log their progress on the management software and when the task is complete the manager will receive a notification.

Benefits and features

  • Monitor all of your company projects and tasks in one place

  • View and download reports on the progress of your tasks

  • Flexible system allows you to delegate to and notify only the relevant staff

  • Schedule reminders for important deadlines and milestones

  • Staff can set up reminders and check off items on their own to-do lists

  • Message boards for tasks and teams to keep everyone up to date

Arrange your Free Trial

The best way to find out all you need to know about myhrtoolkit is to arrange a free trial:

  • Pre-populated sample data
  • Full access to try out all features of the platform
  • Login as a Controller or Employee
  • Personalised screen share tour and demonstration with our customer success team
Request your free trial today...