To mark National Stress Awareness Day 2016, Myhrtoolkit has asked therapeutic massage specialist, Theresa Morrison of Mayfield Massage Therapy, to explain why workplace wellness should be top of the business agenda.
This year’s National Stress Awareness Day on 2nd November, focuses on stress in the workplace. The day is organised by ISMA (International Stress Management Association) and aims to highlight the case for keeping stress management on the corporate agenda.
What is stress?
Stress gets some pretty bad press, but if we were unable to experience stress at all, then sometimes we could be in grave danger. Stress is nature’s way of telling us that something’s wrong and we need to do something about it. It is a healthy reaction that’s meant to be uncomfortable.
We all need a certain amount of pressure to function well, as pressure helps people to reach their peak efficiency. Research shows that pressure can increase our energy and drive to meet deadlines and achieve targets. However, where do we draw the line? Prolonged, intense pressure can lead to chronic stress which negatively impacts our physical and psychological health.
Related article: Signs of work-related stress in employees
Stress and sickness absence
Stress at work continues to be a significant cause of sickness absence in the UK. According to the Health and Safety Executive 2015 report on sickness absence, stress accounted for 35% of work related health problems and 43% of days lost to sickness. That translates to a staggering 10 million working days, which cost the UK £6.6 billion in 2014.
The financial cost of stress related illness is clearly one which will concern any organisation, but are there other factors that employers should also be concerned about? Well, yes there are. Prolonged and excessive pressure on employees is more likely to result in conflict and aggression amongst staff, poor productivity, poor communication, mistakes and injuries, and can even affect customer relationships when staff who deal with clients are suffering from stress.
Whatever the root causes, and that’s for the organisation to investigate; more employers are recognising that now is the time for action. Workers who are stressed today can be off work on long term sickness tomorrow.
Prior to starting my complementary therapy business I worked in marketing for more years than I’d care to mention. Marketing can be a very highly pressurised environment to work in; when my company started to bring in changes one after the other, the pressure began to affect my health, but I carried on. After 12 months of intense pressure it eventually hit me and for the first time in 30 years I was off work for several months. Not only was this a difficult time for me, it caused problems for the company too. My workload was extremely heavy and suddenly there was no one to do it; time and resources were required to deal with the problem and extra help had to be brought in.
As statistics show, my case is not unusual, so how can organisations reduce the risks stress and anxiety bring, not only to employees but also to the organisation itself?
I don’t claim to be an expert in tackling work related stress in an organisation, that requires a lot of work by the organisation themselves, but I do know what helps people cope and what reduces their symptoms. My main specialism is helping people to manage stress and anxiety. I do this through a programme of relaxation therapies, nutrition and lifestyle advice. This not only helps people to relax and sleep better it gives them the necessary tools to manage their symptoms when they arise and so stay in control of their stress and anxiety rather than it taking over their life.
As we all know prevention is always better than cure. I firmly believe that looking after people’s mental well-being is crucial if sickness absence is to see significant falls in the coming years. It makes sound business sense and as organisations continue to face challenging times they can ill afford to have their greatest asset performing badly or worse still taking long absences due to sickness.
Related article: How to reduce employee stress at work for better productivity
Suitable treatments in the workplace
A full body massage is not feasible in the workplace. Treatments should be short and preferably allow you to keep your clothes on! The most effective treatments for treating stress and anxiety are Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Facial Acupressure. A therapeutic session can be done in as little as 20 minutes and all can be done without removing clothing.
Employees will gain the greatest benefits from having a dedicated area for treatments but a quiet room that is not often used can also be set up to give treatments.
Professional registration
It sounds obvious, but do check that any therapist who comes to your premises is fully qualified with the appropriate awarding organisation and that they are insured to practise. I would not recommend using anyone who isn’t registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), which is accredited with the Government’s Professional Standards Authority.
So, should complementary therapy form part of your organisation’s well-being policy? While I firmly believe it is an excellent tool to have in the stress-busting box, I’m not going to pretend that complementary therapy alone is going to solve your stress related sickness absence. But it’s worth considering it as a valuable part of your health and wellbeing policy - healthy mind plus healthy body equals healthy workforce. A cliché maybe, but clichés are often true.
If you’d like to discuss how complementary therapy could support employee wellbeing contact Theresa Morrison at Mayfield Therapy, Sheffield. Tel: 07792 109839

Written by Fiona Sanderson
Fiona is Marketing Manager at myhrtoolkit. Her areas of expertise include HR systems, productivity, employment law updates, and creating HR infographics.