HR used to be a barrage of paperwork and spreadsheets, all filed meticulously in the HR managers office, and duplicated in a safe location. Now there is added security and easy access via the cloud.
The cloud has been adopted by many different industries, but the HR industry was wary to move, until now. We look at how the cloud and cloud based HR software are benefiting HR managers.
Cloud based HR Software
The cloud enables us to store files and information securely whilst also being able to access from multiple locations. Initially there was scepticism over the security but today even the finance and health industries are using the cloud with specific security filters and encryption where needed.
HR managers have a legal obligation to store employee files and records; however the format of this storage is often being changed by governments. When this is done in an office using paper work it means a lot of admin work, if you are using downloaded software it is an upgrade that may cost money or may have to be reinstalled or sent out on a CD.
Having a cloud based software means that these legislation's can be rolled out quickly and easily.
HR software will allow secure access to the files and records based on security level. For example, an HR manager or a manager has access only to the files they need this could be anyone on their site or in their team, whereas a member of staff will only have access to their own records.
Cloud based HR software helps processes run smoothly, it wasn’t that long ago that a form could be rejected based on the colour of the paper or someone could lose it. Now the forms are filled in correctly, securely and online.
Improving staff engagement with HR Software
Staff are more engaged as it is easy to get holidays signed off and if they are ill they can fill in a sick form from home so it is seen and processed quickly.
The cloud has benefited HR managers and it is estimated that by 2020 the uptake of cloud HR software will be between 85 to 100%. It is hard to value the benefits of cloud based HR software but many feel that the uplift in staff engagement, the reduction of admin time and means that cloud hr software is far an above the most cost effective solution for businesses.
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Written by Fiona Sanderson
Fiona is Marketing Manager at myhrtoolkit. Her areas of expertise include HR systems, productivity, employment law updates, and creating HR infographics.