After a long, busy year in HR, we’ve been looking back through our blog to remind ourselves what’s been going on in 2013. There have been a number of changes in employment law and many different schemes have been launched to raise awareness for a variety of employment issues. We had the controversy of the Zero Hours Contracts and the Employee Shareholder Contracts, and the welcome news to many of the Increase to the National Minimum Wage. The Living Wage was increased, as the Living Wage Week scheme aimed to promote the idea to businesses and there was an increase in the number of apprenticeships undertaken, as championed by National Apprentice Week.
We have covered a number of HR related topics this year, so we decided to wrap up the past 12 months with our top 5 favourite, and most popular, posts that appeared on the myhrtoolkit blog. We hope you have a great Christmas and fantastic 2014.
Top 5
BYOD – The plusses and pitfalls
Advancements in technology have seen the way the HR department operates, and to its benefit. This has caused a few headaches though as an increasing amount of employees are using their own personal devices for work purposes. We took a look at the potential HR problems this causes.
Online HR software – popular SaaS
More and more businesses have begun to embrace these new technological developments, and one of the biggest adoptions by companies is in Software as a System (SaaS). There are many benefits to conducting HR practices through cloud software as discussed in our post back in September.
Re-engaging your employees
Recently we looked at what makes an individual lose interest in their work and the effects this can have on the wider scale of the business. There are a number of steps an employer can take to keep enthusiasm levels up and employees connected to their job.
Social media in the workplace
Workplace conduct and policies are important to put in place, but what is often overlooked is the need to review them and keep them up to date. The emergence of Social Media over the last few years has seen an increase in distractions and problems occurred while at work. Jacqui Mann addresses the subject of Social Media in her guest post.
Outlining company benefits
In another guest post, William Annison talks about the need to talk to employees about company benefits. This saves members of the team from purchasing unnecessary services such as insurance if it is already offered by the company. It could also promote the business to the workforce as a worthwhile employer to work for.
Photo Credit: by alegri /

Written by Fiona Sanderson
Fiona is Marketing Manager at myhrtoolkit. Her areas of expertise include HR systems, productivity, employment law updates, and creating HR infographics.